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How To Create A New Invoice?

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Invoices are documents issued to your customers for goods and services you sell
to them. Backstore invoices offer many different functionalities regarding creating,
printing, and sending invoices.

To create a new invoice, click on the " + " button
in the Invoices app or press the F8 keyboard
key. This opens the Add new invoice page.


Define the invoice information (all fields are required):
  1. Department represents the specified department from which you sell the products, and the system will check the stock availability in the selected department when creating the invoice
  2. Customer information
    • Select the customer name from the drop-down list. Upon selection, all partner information (Name, VAT, Phone, Country, Street, City, and Postcode) is filled automatically in the form.
    • You can add a new partner to the list by adding the partner information (Name, VAT, Phone, Country, Street, City, and Postcode). When you click on the CREATE button the partner will be saved to the list (application Partners), so you can use it later.
  3. Invoice category allows you to select one of the following invoice categories from the drop-down list:
    • Invoice
    • Export Invoice
    • EU Invoice
    • Advanced Payment
    • Export Advanced Payment
    • EU Advanced Payment
    • Credit Note
  4. Date - select the invoice date from the date calendar.
  5. Postponement days
  6. Due date will be automatically set based on the invoice date and the postponement days, and it can be defined manually.
  7. Currency - it cannot be changed after approving the invoice.
  8. Retail is used to specify if the tax is already included in the item's price or will it be added.
  9. Issuer is used to specify creator of the document.
  10. Payment method
  11. Payment date
  12. Contract is used to specify contract
  13. Contact is used to specify partner contact
  14. Project is used to link with the specific project
To create an invoice and save changes click on CREATE button
or press the F9 keyboard key, or click on the CANCEL button
to ignore changes.

After you create the invoice, you can add items and define the shipping information.


  1. Item name (F8) - search for the product in the stock by name or SKU. You can use a bar code reader to add items faster.
  2. Available stock - the application shows how many items are in stock and available.
  3. Quantity - enter the desired quantity.
  4. Unit price - in case the unit price is defined in the price list for the selected product item, it will be filled automatically and then you can change it in this form, otherwise, you can enter the unit price value manually.
  5. Discount (optional field) - enter discount percent rate if necessary. It is possible to add up to 3 discounts per product. Also, you may use different discounts for each product.
  6. VAT - you can choose Tax exemption to make the invoice tax-free. Using export invoice categories will automatically use tax-free.
  7. Amount is calculated automatically based on the defined product information.
  8. TAX amount & Total amount - depending on the TAX included option, the application will either add the TAX amount or deduct it from the total amount. The total amount and TAX amount are calculated automatically based on the defined product information.
  9. Shipping partner address - define the shipping address if it differs from the customer address.
  10. Note (optional field) - add a note in the note field for the invoice.
  11. Contract (optional field) - add a contract info
Invoice must be approved using the Approve (F2)
option from the menu in order to get its number. Once the invoice is approved
the invoice items are taken off the stock.

For internal usage, it is possible to
the pdf document to an invoice.

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